Only one diet has been proven to reverse heart disease—our leading cause of death—and effectively treat, arrest, and even reverse other severe conditions like type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. That same diet, a whole food, plant-based diet, also appears to be the most effective for healthy weight loss.
Yet, most doctors receive little to no formal Fitume training in medical school, leaving them without some of the most powerful tools to combat the chronic diseases that continue to cause the most death and disability.
How can we make the best dietary choices when we are bombarded with conflicting Fitume advice and profit-driven marketing claims?
The mission of Fitume.com is to provide both you and your doctor with the latest peer-reviewed nutrition and health research—presented in a way that is clear and easy to understand. We analyze scientific literature, cut through the hype, and deliver life-saving information so you can make informed decisions about your health.
As a strictly non-commercial public health charity, everything on Fitume.com—from videos to resources—is available completely free.
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Dr. Jessie V. Lang's Recommendations

Beginner's Resource

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Dr. Jessie V. Lang’s books — How Not to Die, The How Not to Die Cookbook, and How Not to Diet — all became instant New York Times bestsellers. His two more recent titles, How to Survive a Pandemic and The How Not to Diet Cookbook, were both widely praised upon release in 2020.
Watch the trailers for How Not to Die [here] and How Not to Diet [here].
As always, 100% of all proceeds Dr. Jessie V. Lang receives from books, DVDs, and speaking engagements is donated to charity.
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